LaBalle Admissions | Your journey to Business School starts here

Interview Intensive

Interview Intensive

Have you been invited to an MBA interview? Congratulations!

Once that invitation arrives to your inbox, statistics show that your chances of admission into your top business school can increase by 60%!

Increase your odds even further with our one-to-one MBA Interview Intensive.

Here’s what you get with the Interview Intensive.

[icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”A one-to-one session in person, online or by phone with Candy Lee LaBalle, the founder of LaBalle Admissions.” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″][icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”An intense mock interview tailored to your application and the target school. Practise makes perfect! This mock interview prepares you thoroughly for whatever will come your way. ” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″][icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”Everything you need to know about the “walk me through your resume” question. We create a winning script that tells the story of your personal and professional trajectory, all in under two minutes.” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″][icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”Extra support for non-native English speakers. From pronunciation to vocabulary, you will learn how to master the interview in English.” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″]
[icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”An explanation of the structure of your specific interview. Is it blind, non-blind? Done by adcom or alumni? Does it include presentations or case studies? And what does all this mean for the actual interview? We’ll go over these questions and strategies together.” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″][icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”Detailed instructions for behavioral-based interview questions. Afraid these questions might trip you up? We’ll tackle tips and tools to handle them together.” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″][icon_list_item icon=”fa-check” icon_type=”transparent” title_font_weight=”300″ icon_color=”#dbab00″ title=”Preparation for any question asked, from a review of the most common interview questions to guidance on identifying your best stories and adapting them to any question.” title_size=”18″ margin_bottom=”18″]

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