LaBalle Admissions | Your journey to Business School starts here


Here’s what my clients have to say

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UC Berkeley Haas

“I was still working on my Gmat, when I realized that to get into a top school I needed much more than a 700. I needed to get in touch with a professional coach for essays and more guidance. I contacted Candy and it was the best decision I’ve made: she helped through the whole process. Starting from CV till the very day I got into the MBA I wanted, she guided me more as a friend and mentor. I recommend Candy without any hesitation, she is the best in the business and has unlimited contacts.”


Marshall USC

“Working with Candy has been both a pleasure and a gratifying experience. She has successfully helped me get into one of my dream Business Schools. During the entire application process she has helped me understand the entire admissions process and put me in contact with the right people in order to maximize my chances of being accepted. Candy delivers.”


London Business School

“Applying to an MBA is a hard, long and stressful process. From the minute you sit down and begin your first draft version problems start to appear. My experience with Candy has been very fulfilling, she is there from the first day when you establish your main guidelines and remains until the last when you receive your admissions offer. It is a 24 hours a day predisposition that you will appreciate more and more as the process continues. I remember working on an essay on a 31st of December, mailing Candy for help and receiving her answer just a couple of hours later… priceless. In conclusion Candy will take your application as if it was hers and will give the best to make it perfect.”


MIT Sloan and INSEAD

“Candy has been of great help and support while I was preparing my MBA applications. I worked with Candy on my INSEAD and MIT Sloan applications and got accepted into both programs.

You can see from day one that Candy really loves and knows a lot about her job. She has helped me organize and choose the stories that we ended up including in the essays, which I’d say was the most critical part of the process. And after that, she was super professional in her work, always meeting the deadlines well beforehand and even accommodating my urgent requests even though she didn’t have to. She has the skill of adjusting the content to appeal to what the school is looking for, applicants usually underestimate the importance of this factor. I’ve got to experience that firsthand when I compared my essays to the essays that other applicants I know were submitting.

On top of that, the interview preparation session was super useful. I felt that I had so much more confidence when I walked into the interviews having already prepared with Candy. And finally, Candy’s support doesn’t end at the application stage. Even after the results were out, I would send her questions/inquiries about the programs and she would respond right away (even though she’s not obliged to).

I’d definitely recommend Candy if you’re looking to maximize your chances of getting into your dream school!”


Chicago Booth

“Working with Candy was a total success. Thanks to her, I was admitted into a top business school. At first, I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into as I had decided to work with her thanks to a recommendation from other friends who had worked with her in the past.

The first day I met with her for the “initial consultation”, I saw how much she knows about these schools and her ability to highlight your strengths and thus find where you fit among the schools that most interest you. I really liked that she was realistic when telling me which schools I had a chance with and which I did not.

When I sent the first draft of my first essay, I understood what an excellent professional Candy is. She fully immerses herself in the document and recommends how to focus it. Her role is not just to correct things that are poorly written or poorly expressed. She knows perfectly whether or not a paragraph may resonate with the university where you are thinking about applying.

In addition to her excellence with these documents, her timing is amazing. Even during the days approaching the schools’ deadlines, Candy’s pace was very fast, while always maintaining magnificent results.

To sum up, as advanced as your English may be, it doesn’t matter – it does not guarantee anything when you start writing your essays. You need someone who can tell you whether that story fits with the school where you are applying and how you should tell it. Candy is the perfect person to do this.”


IESE Business School

“Working with Candy from the time you start to think about applying to an MBA program is a very good choice.

1) Her help goes beyond just admission, during the preliminary interviews she cares about getting to know you and your goals, recommending which business schools best fit your profile, and achieving those goals.

2) She is an enormous help in organization: the first thing you prepare with her is a calendar and she checks to make sure you are reaching each milestone, preventing last minute overload and ensuring that there is more than enough time to review your work and that the end results will be ideal.

3) With regard to the essays, she knows how to get the best out of you, making you think about your strengths and showing you how to reflect them in the manner most appropriate to the business school to which you decided to apply; each school has its particularities and Candy knows them well.

4) The follow-up throughout the process is continuous, from the initial consultation until interview preparation. Knowing what to expect is a great advantage.

In conclusion, getting admitted into a top MBA program is not an easy process, it requires significant dedication of both time and effort. Navigating that path “in the company” of a rigorous professional who knows the terrain perfectly is extremely helpful. It’s worth it.”



“I truly believe that without Candy’s invaluable help, my dream of being admitted to Tuck would have remained just that: a dream. Her extensive experience and broad understanding of the best business schools in the world, along with her incredible 24/7 availability, tremendously approachable demeanor based on the mutual trust she builds from the very beginning, and great intuition to personalize her advice to whomever she works with, make the consulting that Candy offers a fundamental tool that I recommend to anyone who decides to enter into the stressful world of applying to an elite MBA program. Having Candy at your side undoubtedly makes the difference between success and failure.”


Columbia Business School

“After taking the GMAT and the TOEFL and after being sure to which universities I wanted to apply, I talked with friends who had already done or were doing an MBA to understand how they had prepared the application essays and questionnaires that are part of the admissions processes for all universities. The majority recommended that someone review my work and many of them gave me Candy’s name.

From day one, it was clear that her support and advice would be fundamental. We had our first encounter during an interview so that Candy could learn about why I wanted to get an MBA, my target universities, my strengths and weaknesses, my hobbies, etc. Four days later we were already exchanging emails with draft essays for my first application. I still remember her first reaction to my first draft – she said it was not enough to make me stand out among thousands of applicants. That was a necessary wake-up call. Thanks to her comments, I learned how to build a strong application.

In short, Candy knows perfectly the ideal candidate profile that each university is looking for and how to prepare a great application. All of this includes objective factors like the GMAT, TOEFL, and academic transcript, and subjective factors like personal motives and medium- and long-term goals. Candy is serious and hard-working and she always meets deadlines.

My experience with Candy was more than positive. I got accepted into more than one university and was lucky enough to be able to choose which MBA program I wanted to be a part of. If anyone asks me in the future, I will undoubtedly recommend Candy.”



“The admissions process for top MBA programs is long and complicated. It’s essential to have someone like Candy to help you tackle anything, from significant aspects down to the little details.

Candy’s knowledge of business schools and each of their admissions processes is incredible. In just one hour at the initial consultation, she explained the peculiarities of each school and which would best fit my profile. Then she was able to help me find my high-impact stories and adapt them to each of the applications.

The most notable aspect is undoubtedly her 24/7 dedication. Throughout the process, a lot of questions would come to me and they would always have an almost immediate response. The feeling of having everything under control (except for the decision…) is indescribable.

In hindsight, I would certainly hire Candy Lee LaBalle’s services again.”


Cambridge Judge Business School

“If making the decision to quit your job to get an MBA wasn’t difficult enough, taking on the admissions process for one, two (or more!) business schools makes it seem like a constant uphill battle, especially when you consider that the admissions system for foreign universities is very new for most Spanish people.

However, Candy is available to make everything much easier, from analyzing your profile, to selecting schools and preparing all of the material necessary for you to complete your application. She gets personally involved and provides a great deal of support if you have questions or start to feel defeated.

In my case, Candy recommended lines of action that helped me have an application that was able to offset my weaker points. Thanks to this, I felt confident enough to apply for a spot at only one school (Cambridge Judge), where I wound up being admitted. From the very beginning, Candy assured me that, both professionally and personally, Cambridge was a good fit for me and vice versa. After visiting the campus twice (once on an open day and another time for an interview), I had no doubt that Candy was 100% correct.

In short, I recommend Candy Lee LaBalle hands down to exponentially increase your chances for success in the admissions process for top MBA programs.”


Harvard Business School

“My decision to work with Candy to prepare applications for MBA programs was without a doubt a great success and I sincerely believe that it decisively influenced the results.

Even if you have a good GMAT score and appropriate experience, the essays and letters of recommendation are what need to differentiate you from the other candidates, and this is where Candy becomes essential.

Candy doesn’t just correct and edit to improve your English. She has a thorough knowledge of the universities and with all of her experience she knows what they are looking for and what they value. In addition, she makes an effort to get to know you and you really feel that she is adapting her knowledge and job to your specific case; she points out weaknesses to explain and what you need to highlight to make yourself the best possible candidate. And throughout the whole process, which is long, she roots for you.

Another one of Candy’s noteworthy traits is her unfaltering availability. Although it may seem like you have time, setbacks can always arise and having her experience available at any time is a luxury. In my case one of the processes was extended and Candy was consistently available, even on holidays and at night, to make sure I made it on time.

I truly recommend working with Candy! Your application will be easier and, above all, better!”


NYU Stern

“What can I say about Candy that other MBAs haven’t already said in their testimonials?

A great deal!

Candy is a serious and proactive professional who is always available (I mean ALWAYS) to put out the many different “fires” that can arise during the application process for the programs you choose. She has something that I value in people, not just on a professional level, but also on a personal level – she is a direct and sincere person who doesn’t need to beat around the bush to tell you about your possibilities or how she thinks you should handle situations.

Nothing makes me happier than when a client calls me and says, “We did it! I got in!”

I want to have this conversation with you, too! Contact me now to get the ball rolling

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