LaBalle Admissions | Your journey to Business School starts here

Hiring the right MBA admissions consultant for you is an important decision.


To help make the process easier, I’ve compiled a list of the most frequent questions clients ask me before we start working together.

How can I become a client of LaBalle Admissions?

Contact me! After a brief chat to discuss your goals, where you are in the application process and what you are seeking, we can then move to our first session.

I only take on 30 clients each year in order to offer the best results and support possible. That means I do not take on everyone.

If your expectations are unrealistic, if an MBA is just not right for you, if you aren’t qualified, or if you are applying to a school where you really don’t need any support… then I probably won’t work with you.

However, if you are motivated, eager and ready to work hard to get into one of the world’s best MBAs, I’m ready to get started with you.

What is your success rate?

It is impossible to guarantee admittance to the world’s most elite MBA programmes.

But using smart strategies, LaBalle Admissions has achieved an ~96% acceptance admissions rate.

What is your availability during the application process?

Email and phone calls are available as often as needed. Face-to-face meetings can be arranged in Madrid within a week. Feedback on your essays and application documents will be offered within 48 hours or faster in the week before your deadline.

During the days before deadline, whatever you need and whenever you need it — you can count on me.

Do you work with re-applicants?

If you have been through the grueling application process, got dinged, but are ready to stand back up and try again, I would love to help you. We can figure out what went wrong and reapply even stronger together.

Every year, I have clients reapply and get accepted into a top school.

Can you help write my recommendation letters?

Only a recommender should write the letters, but I will offer you full support in the process. From how to choose the best recommender to how to “manage up” and ensure your recommender is doing the best job possible.

Recommendation letters are essential components of your application and they must be well-written with the best content possible to support your application. I’ll help you help your recommender do just that.

What do business schools think of your services?

My services are recognized as being high quality and ethical, and I am happy to have strong relationships with admissions teams across the globe. I served for 3 years on the Board of AIGAC, the Association for Independent Graduate Admissions Consultants, and was an AIGAC Conference Chair for 4 years. I have visited most of the top schools and have organized admissions conferences with dozens of admissions’ representatives.

I deeply value the personal relationships I have built in the MBA ecosystem since they help me better understand the different programmes, and thus, better help you apply successfully.

How does MBA consulting work at LaBalle Admissions?

As a hand-picked client, you will have my full attention throughout the application process.

After an initial MBA Action Planning (MAP) session, done face-to-face in Madrid, or online, we can move to an Application Package such as the Application Incubator or the Essay Accelerator. After brainstorming your application and essays together, we’ll work mainly via email during the editing process. At least once a week, I’ll also touch base with you by phone or online to check on your application progress and keep you on track.

Which MBA programmes do you work with the most?

As an American based in Europe, I have the pleasure of working with top MBA programmes on both sides of the Atlantic.

In autumn, I am usually dedicated to the US schools with my highest number of admits at Wharton, Harvard, Columbia, MIT Sloan, Kellogg, Chicago Booth and Tuck. I have also helped clients get into Stanford, Haas, Duke, Georgetown and more.

In winter, I work almost exclusively with European powerhouse MBAs including INSEAD, London Business School and IESE, as well as other great programmes such as IMD, HEC Paris and Cambridge Judge.

Do you work with EMBAs, Masters of Management (MiM), Finance (MFin) or Public Policy (MPP)?

Absolutely! My application techniques apply very well to other programmes. I love helping people reach their dreams and sometimes that is not an MBA. I’ve helped people get into the MPP at Columbia and John Hopkins, the MFin at LBS and MIT, the MiM at LSE and EMBAs at Stanford, IESE and Kellogg.

I am happy to advise on almost any graduate programme, but I do not work with undergraduate applications.

How long does it usually take to apply to a top MBA programme?

My job is to save you as much time as possible… but you still have to work! Most of my clients spend between 30-60 hours of their own time on each application.

Together, we may spend up to two months on the first application we do together. Subsequent applications tend to go a bit faster as I get to know you better and you get more comfortable with the process.

Will you write my application essays for me?

My job is to help you write amazing essays that will make you stand out and improve your admission chances.

To do that, I will brainstorm with you, discuss the best topics for each essay, review drafts, give feedback, edit, and help you fine tune your essays so that your message comes out in the most compelling way. But no, I will not write your documents for you.

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